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from The Prayerline Newsletter by Darrell C. Porter

"Child-Like Prayer"

April - June, 2004

Prayer is for every believer, even pre-schoolers, who by their simple faith have been known to move the mighty hand of God. For the Lord looks not merely upon the well-spoken in prayer. He looks upon the lowly in spirit, the humble in heart. One thing about children is that they know they are little. They also know that God is big and that He is looking out for them. They accept the fact that He will do good for them if they just ask Him.

There really isn’t much else that children know or understand. They don’t know all the Scriptures. They don’t know all the different kinds of prayers or the big words to say. They generally talk to God like they talk to people – plain and ordinary. More importantly, they believe God and trust Him. So when these little hearts are taught that they can talk to God, personally, and that He will listen to them, they do it.

What is most touching is that Jesus held up a little child in His hands (cf. Mk.10:15-16) and said to His adult followers that you must become as one of these in order to enter into His Kingdom. "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matt.18:3)

Aside from being baffled His adult followers were certainly humbled to have the Son of Heaven tell them: you’re amiss in your approach to God. He’s not moved by worldly wise "adults". He wants attitudes meek as these little children.

Refreshingly the spirit of a child is simple, "small" and plainspoken. The Lord is drawn to them by their pure faith, un tethered by the cares of this world. Such are adult traits that largely hinder access to heaven. Consider, for a moment, what is it that draws us to God? Also, what is it that keeps us away from Him? We must know these answers for in them is the "secret" to successful prayer.

When Jesus said you must become as a little child He was not saying you must be perfect. Every parent knows that children are far from perfect. They are often mischievous, selfish, argumentative, head-strong, disobedient and unruly. So in no way was the Lord saying that little children are perfect creatures, in and of themselves. We, adults, likewise need to know, that intimate communion with our heavenly Father is not withheld from us either because of our many imperfections. For the Lord knows we have them. Indeed, one of the most baffling things about our God is that He does know our short-comings. Yet, in spite of our flaws, He desires us to come often to Him in prayer.

Now if child and adult are both imperfect then why did our Lord choose a little child as the model for divine acceptance? How is it that such as these are the only ones to enter His Kingdom? T he answer is displayed in the life our Lord Jesus Christ. First off, Jesus had a parent, God the Father, that He was subject to in all things. He lived as an obedient and faithful Son under His Father’s will each day. (Php.2:8)

Many adult Christians live as though they have no heavenly parent at all. They name God as God and Jesus as their Savior, but their hearts do not see Him as their divine and authoritative Father. Hence, many Christians live as though they were not real sons and daughters of God at all. For such God is no more than One to Whom they do religious duty. There is no intimate, personal relationship with Him as their beloved Father Whom they honor and obey. (Acts 5:29; 7:39; Rom.6:16)

Similarly, we have children in our homes today who live as though their parents do not exit. They call them mom and dad. Yet they are distant from them, and resentful of their authority. At every turn they do whatever they want. Jesus, on the other hand, demonstrated the kind of relationship a GODLY son ought to have with his father.

Secondly little ones NEED their parents. Their world is centered around mom and dad. They long for them. In fact, children are like little rubber bands. They will stretch out to play, to be with friends and relatives, and so forth; but they habitually and quickly "snap" back to mom and dad. It’s automatic. It’s natural. Jesus said you must be as one of these in your relationship with your heavenly Father. You may go to work; you may go here or there; but you can’t wait to "snap" back to your heavenly Father in fellowship.

Thirdly, when children talk about their problems they speak plainly and honestly about them. They don’t know the twisted ways of saying something they really don’t mean, or saying things in certain ways just to play with another’s mind or feelings. These are adult quirks. When children talk to God, from their heart, they tell Him what they mean, as honestly as they know how. And funny, God listens. He hears their often awkward expressions and mispronounced words and He answers them. Their heavenly Father sees beyond their flawed words to what they are really trying to say. His goodness and grace then corrects their spelling, so to speak, fixes the grammar and straightens out the "facts" and then smiles warmly and grants them what they are seeking and trusting Him for. You see, God doesn’t look for perfect prayers. He looks for pure hearts that pray in faith. He looks for truth on the inside.

Amazing as well is the fact that I’ve seen the Spirit of God rest upon my own little children, guiding them in prayer. I’ve been moved as He fills their mouths with wisdom and knowledge of what to pray. He instills in them a desire to pray, then leads their tender spirits to pray for what He has placed on their hearts. How so, one might ask? Because they trust Him. Their souls are open to His love, to His goodness. God will do this to a little child; and yes, to any of child-like faith, even though they be a fully grown adult. For only those who trust God can enter into His presence. That is the way He has made it to be; and the rewards are beyond words.

Heaven is a realm of great opportunities and blessings; and few ever enter into it. This is in spite of the fact that the Lord delights in giving YOU His Kingdom. Think about that for a moment. The Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, takes personal delight in giving to you – YOU – His Kingdom. What mind is this that God actually enjoys blessing you and all those who trust in Him? Think about it. Go outside, sit in a park and think on that fact. Kill the TV, sit in an empty room and just quiet yourself and think on that. God delights in blessing your home, your family, your finances, your health, your work, your very life. Think about that for a good, long moment.

Take a real look at the fact that when you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that in Him you became God’s child. That’s right. You are His Son, His daughter. He is not only your God (for He always was and always will be God) He is now your Father. Father! Have you ever looked to Him, truly, as your heavenly Father?

Maybe you’ve never known an earthly father. Now, in Christ, God is your true heavenly Father. And you are His son, His daughter, Whom He loves just as dearly and deeply as His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. (Jn.1:14) That’s right. He loves you no less than His perfect, obedient Son, who lived and died that you might be born into His own family. (1Jn.4:9) Because of this new relationship, birthed through Christ, you now have a blessed right to come to heaven in prayer anytime you want to and talk to your heavenly Father as often as you want or ask Him for what’s on your heart. (Heb.4:16)

If your words don’t all come out right don’t be concerned. Just speak from your heart. Stand on His Word. He is looking out for you, with a sure promise that He will "supply all of your need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus." (Php.4:19) You don’t have to take on the impossible task of managing all the affairs of your life. You don’t have to play that impossible "adult" role any longer. Even He, through Whom the LORD created all things – the Lord Jesus Christ, didn’t do that. But was subject unto the Father in all things and called Him Abba – Father. Now if our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, was a Son unto the Father, how much more ought you and I be as dear children unto our God and Father? Pick up the cross that puts to death that independent spirit of yours and follow the meek Spirit of Jesus, Who was dependent in ALL things upon His Father.

It is that child-like dependency on God that truly makes men, men. Men are not made from the stuff of their own strength but from the stuff of God. Men are made from the humble position of faith, not self-reliance. It is from dependency on Christ that we receive the heavenly "things" for maturity and holiness, strength and wisdom, courage and love. These do not come any other way. Like a mustard seed tree they start small but through continued grace and truth grow us up into the very stature of Christ. (Eph.4:13)

Your humility brings on God’s prosperity to your soul. (3Jn.1:2) When He sees this spirit in you in prayer He sees not the wayward son who did wrong yesterday; or the rebellious daughter who did her own thing. He sees not the man that messed up so many times in the past or that woman who just can’t get off her own soap box. When you come to God in prayer, in spirit as a little child, humble, honest, holding up only what God has said, then what God sees coming is the Likeness of His Son that is upon you. And just as He fully received His Son, Jesus, He also receives you. Just as He moved to answer His prayers He moves to answer yours. It is His good pleasure to do so. (Lu.12:32) It is in this Spirit that we are to pray. It is His Name – His own nature upon us and in us – that God receives. This is coming to Him as a little child.

Prayer is God’s remedy for health and life, peace and victory, courage and strength, joy and answers, understanding and wisdom and power. Without it you cannot live for God. You will not grow spiritually. You cannot see what He wants you to see, be what He wants you to be or do what He would have you to do. We are come to God in prayer like as a child with nothing to offer but our certainty that He alone is God, our trust that He is well able to do it and our humble resolve to leave it in His hands, and rest. ###


The PRAYERLINE Newsletter is a quarterly publication of Darrell C. Porter Evangelistic Assoc., Inc.


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