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from The Prayerline Newsletter by Darrell C. Porter


"Save Yourself II"

October - December, 2009


"In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." (2Co.13:1)

The LORD only has to say a thing once for it to be so. When He says it twice it's for emphasis to the hearer. When He says it three times His Word is fully confirmed, having received the adequate witness. "The heavens declare the glory of God." (Ps.19:1) Therefore the Word God speaks is filled with the testimony of earth and heaven itself.

God sent His Son, Jesus, to save the lost. Salvation is no light matter. Before we attend to any business on earth we must attend to the business of our eternal souls. The question must be answered accurately. Where will I spend eternity? How can I gain eternal life? A wrong answer is like a gambler's wager. Wager your soul on the wrong choice and you lose. The Bible declares, "The wages of sin is death." (Rom.6:23) Betting on the wrong answer is fatal. This fatality is not the mere rotting away of the body in a grave. Far worse, it is the rotting away of a conscious, feeling, thinking human being cut off from life and good and pleasantness. Betting against the Bible is a wager you can't win. Death has no comeback. It has no remorse; and offers no second chance. What you do on this earth, or don't do, determines whether you enter eternal blessedness or eternal judgment. (Jn.3:18)

Hell awaits those who reject heaven. The apostles' public proclamation of the gospel was an exhortation to "Save yourselves from this untoward (unbelieving and wicked) generation." (Acts 2:40) Their voices cried out to the lost. Today, many who have said yes to the Gospel, have cast off the yoke of Christ to follow the world. They have wrapped themselves in the ways of the adversary who seeks only to devour them. (1Pet.5:8) Many have fallen to their own fleshly desires and the fleshly whims of others. To these as well does the proclamation resound, "Save yourselves from this untoward generation." (Acts 2:40)

Now when the lost and the redeemed both fall into the same pit of self-centeredness and sin, both then must be saved - one unto eternal life, the other to a restored relationship with God. Both are blinded by darkness - one because they never knew God, the other because they turned from Him. In both instances the Savior is needed to deliver the repentant sinner. Salvation requires a heart felt turn away from self and sin unto God. No man can save himself. The very best could not save a fallen flea. Only God can save a soul or restore a fallen creature back into right relationship with Himself.

The eternal judge has declared, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Eze.18:4,20) Yet to the repentant sinner this same Lord also reveals His mercy, saying, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. " (Ro 10:13)

Consider the earnestness of the situation. Unstoppable disaster approaches. Nothing in its path will escape. Hurry! Run to safety! Go no more in the ways of men and flesh! Repent now! Return to the Lord! God's Voice roars out. Go no more after the world or the things of the world! Turn around! Tear yourself away from sin. Break off from unrighteousness. Despise the ways of the wicked. Run hurriedly to God for deliverance. "Listen to Me!" He pleads. Do not go the way of the wicked; but save yourselves from this perverse generation.

This heart shattering cry goes not out to the world that is lost. Not this one. This cry for repentance is to His church. Unto His own people the LORD bellows, "Come back to Me!"

What lust, what desire is there worth having at the price of your life? What sin is there worth committing at the cost of your soul? Is the grace of God so tasteless and bland that the fleeting dainties of the world are more appealing? Is sin more inviting than Salvation? Are the temporary pleasures of this life more important than the eternal presence of God? Look at your options; and choose which is best. Consider these things. Every moment of pleasure is just that – a moment. Hold it up against a vast and infinite universe of never ending blessings and peace and joy. Choose right now whom you will serve - either self: whose days are as a vanishing vapor, (Jam.4:14) or the Savior, Whose gift of life is forever.

In awe some will wonder, "What happened!?" "How did God's own people lose Him?" The answer will stare them in the face. Many came to Jesus and were filled with joy that He not only saved them from eternal destruction but also cleansed them of their guilt of sin and lifted them up with the hope of everlasting life. He strengthened their very bones. He was a bright Light in their souls, Whom they cherished.

Yet spirits of darkness swooned around and seduced them to follow vain religion and man-worship. The light of trust toward God, they once enjoyed grew dimmer till it no longer shined in them, as their their hope began to hang on the approval of men, rather than the approval of God. Their carnal tendencies became more alive rather than daily crucified by a disciplined life of obedience to Christ. The control of the carnal church replaced the control of Christ. Having now gone so far from the Savior the joy of their salvation and their liberty in Him was buried.

The dark, ominous, cloud that fills the sky slowly moves as they are enslaved to the whims of men and the waywardness of the wicked. It's not that carnal institutions alone have constrained them. No. These bowed themselves down to the worldliness of others rather than stand in the pursuit of Christ and His Kingdom.

In this the lost become saved only to be enslaved again to the lusts of worldly men. They are made subject to those who are dead to the meekness of Christ, the Way of Truth, and submission to His authority and rule. These will never do for you what they insist you to do for them. The center of their lives is not God but themselves.
"Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity." In his commentary on this Scripture Albert Barnes writes:

"The idea here is, that in the great matters which pertain to us, we cannot depend on men, and that our hope—our trust—must be in God. To be laid in the balance… " that is… to show how light they are. They have no real weight; no real value. They are altogether lighter than vanity They are all vain… they have no power to save us. [T]hat it is true of each and every rank of men—high and low… that, as weighed against our interests and needs, they are nothing. All the kings of the earth with all their hosts of war, all princes and nobles with all that they can summon from the lower ranks of their people, cannot save one soul from death—cannot deliver us from the consequences of our transgressions. God, and God alone, can do this."

Eternal Salvation comes from God, continues in Him and ends in Him. The hand of man has no part in it. (Eph.2:9) Yet, without contradiction, the saved must work out this precious Salvation in daily obedience to the Word of the Savior. (Php.2:12)

"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." (Php 2:12)

Such work requires continued prayer, as the Scripture says, "pray always." (Lu.21:36) For the path of Life is fraught with trials, troubles, and evil all around. (2Cor.4:8;7:5) To walk secure one must learn God's ways and how to depend on Him. Listening to the voices of others above the Voice of God only brings pain, even death. It's not that we do not need instruction from others or even their correction. Indeed we do. The Scriptures report that in the multitude of counselors there is safety. (Pr.11:14) Added to this the admonition to seek Godly counsel, wisdom and advice. (cf. Prov.4:7) All these are essential to spiritual growth. All these are needful – in the LORD. For He alone is our true Teacher, Guide and Counselor, Who feeds us our daily bread of wisdom, direction and understanding.

The heart of the delivered listen for Him; even though others speak, or the preacher himself. It is the Lord's Voice he listen for, not their voice. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." (Joh 10:27)

A soul's Salvation is highly precious. The elect will give it over to no one. The meek in Christ understand and honor this Truth. Years ago, a pastor I knew said:
"One of the biggest questions I used to ask myself as a pastor was, "what is my purpose?" I was not the people's god or their pope; nor did I wish to be. I definitely was not their savior. So what was my purpose as a pastor? I have always known that God's people are owned by God. They are purchased, redeemed and delivered by Him. They answer to Him for themselves. They do not answer to me.

It became clearer that my purpose was not to build a church full of members but to build a membership filled with Christ. My job was to steer each saint in one single direction - the Lord Jesus Christ.

Of course, I had to know the Lord for myself - personally, intimately and intellectually so I could impart some of my knowledge, through the gifting of God's Spirit, into God's people. My purpose was to feed them Truth. I could never require them to be holy without living an example of holiness and righteousness before them. My purpose was more than preaching in the pulpit. I had to live God's truth outside the pulpit, whether under pressure or when things went well. My job was to lift up God's people in prayer and to intercede for them in their troubles. Remaining faithful to Christ was my duty. Being a pastor would not relieve me from temptation to sin. Like those in the pew, I, too, had to keep myself saved."

God's Salvation is 100% the work of God and 100% the work of the saved soul. Of course, only God gives everlasting life, which is our eternal Salvation. Yet He commands those He saves (sets apart unto Himself) to walk in His daily provision. (Lu.11:13) This is the obedience of the faith. (Rom.16:26) To honor this command requires work. It is face-forward, willful submission to God's Word each and every day.

Now oddly, in light of the command, it is a work that only God can do. No man can save himself. No man can save another. Yet, strangely, the LORD commands us to save ourselves and preach His Salvation to others. Yet, it is not us, in and of ourselves, that saves us but Christ in us. (Col.1:27) The LORD declared that it's, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." (Zech.4:6b) Jesus pointed out, "I can of mine own self do nothing." (Jn.5:30); "...but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." (Jn.14:10)

To save yourself means to enter the Savior.

In the days of Noah the cry rang out, "Save yourselves!" (cf. 2Pet.2:5) Salvation came only by those who entered Noah's ark. All outside the ark perished. Entering the ark was an act of saving yourself. Today one must enter the "ark" of Christ. All outside this "ark" will perish.

"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Lu 21:36)

Prayer appeals to God to do what only He can do, which we cannot do for ourselves. Trusting Christ is equal to saving ourselves. Trusting anything else is to remain lost.

Consider that a man is saved from financial ruin by receiving a high paying job. His salvation came from outside himself. Being saved from financial destruction he now saves himself from a return to financial ruin by honoring the requirements of the job. A person fired from their job for blatantly dishonoring his employer cannot blame their ruin on the company. They can only blame it on themselves. Each day they had the opportunity to keep themselves safe, hence save themselves from losing their job. The moment they crossed the line they were in serious danger of losing their financial salvation.

In like manner, a heart not for Christ only looses what Christ has given him. Salvation is a heavenly gift that must be secured in earthly vessels. Now it is certainly secure on God's part; the Lord gives it freely, saying, "And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." (Rev.22:17) It must then be secured on our part. We must "hold fast that which is good." (1Thes.5:21) We are saved not only through an act of God but through our own acts of obedience unto God. "For by grace are ye saved through faith" (Eph 2:8) Grace is all God's doing. Faith is all our doing.

Facing a choice between the immediate gratification of his own flesh or holding firm to the spiritual heritage to which he was born, Esau chose to satisfy a moment of carnal desire over an eternity of spiritual blessedness. His choice confirmed that he despised his spiritual heritage. Of so little value was it to him that he sold it for a mere portion of food. (Gen.25:32-34) He lost his inherited blessing by trading it for a single meal. The eternal treasures of God were of no value to him compared to the immediate pleasures of the world.

The LORD does not save us merely to sit there and be saved. Or be saved and keep on sinning, as some suppose. Or be saved and let others sin and we say or do nothing. God saves us and then requires us to work. He gave Adam work to do as soon as He created Him. (Gen.2:15) Jesus Himself said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." (Jn.5:17) He said again, "I must work the works of him that sent me…" (Jn.9:4) James said, "shew me thy faith without thy works," (which none can do because) "faith, if it hath not works, is dead." (Jam.2:17-18) Hence, one cannot claim Salvation and idly sit by and do nothing.

Prayer is God's vehicle for saving ourselves as well as others. It is God's means for our deliverance, as well as others. Without prayer we are stuck. With prayer we are loosed and set free. Earnest prayer is necessary for earnest deliverance. Such prayer is work. It is a work of faith in God. If the mind of God was simply to save us, save us, save us then there would be no need for prayer. We'd be in trouble and He'd simply get us out of it every time. But rarely does that happen. God says work out your own salvation. Turn to Me! Seek Me! Cry unto Me! He says. Prayer is not an idle luxury to be entertained at whim. Prayer is to a saint as military equipment is to a soldier. A soldier is helpless without his equipment. Likewise is a saint without prayer.

The prince of this world desires your destruction. (Jn.10:10a) Yet faith in Christ will turn this desire on its heels, to bring you even closer to Christ. So rather than destroy you it is used by God to root and ground you deeper into Him. The arm that should have strengthened you at the first, became the arm that is against you so you will know not to put your trust in man; but in God.

Pressure has piled up on all mankind. Governments are more and more oppressive. Corporations are oppressive. Dysfunctional and out-of-sync marriages and families are stressful and weighty. Mass advertising, education, media, entertainment all press you to conform to their image and likeness. One may run into the sanctuary of a church only to find it a mirror of the carnal world. Over 20 years ago, a Christian Evangelist on national television, pointed his finger directly at the Christian audience and asked, "Is anybody free!?"

Sexual pressures, health and money woes, like giant sumo wrestlers, fall upon the emaciated soul to pin him down to the mat of life. So much so that one can hardly move or even breathe. If nothing in the world, including the church, can save you then it is clear there is no eternal hope in anything in this present world. True hope comes only from heaven. The living HOPE OF ISRAEL (Jer.17:13) is our only HOPE today. Every turn of the head away from Christ brings disaster. The eye that looks aside from Him can only look to a world under judgment. (Jn.3:18) Nothing of the world's ideas or promises or power can save you. It CANNOT - and by ignorant or arrogant choice - WILL NOT - save itself. If the world, therefore, is utterly lost then what hope can it offer you?

Herein is Salvation that you walk with the Savior.

When you turn to Christ you feel your very being drawn to Him. You long for and delight in nothing less. The things of the world are like dried cow dung compared to the unspeakable Person of Jesus. If you have not felt it, you have not known Him; and if you know Him, you will submit to nothing less than Him. He is beyond comparison. When your soul is in His Hand He is sufficient enough to save, defend and protect and provide for your every need, in accordance to His riches in glory. (Php.4:19) You need nothing else when you have Christ. If you are rich you are as a beggar in the world, so humble are you in His presence. If you are poor you are as a wealthy king so highly uplifted are you in Him. He meets your every need through His excellent goodness.

Look at the night sky. The nearest star beyond our sun is over four quad trillion miles away. That's the nearest star. The finger of God made all the heavenly bodies. His wonder takes your breath away. Yet man, in his haughtiness, is only a few feet or even a few miles away; and to what significance? How can he stand in comparison to the Creator? Except the Spirit of God is in him, he is as scattered dust in an endless universe - less than forgotten.

If he has not the Spirit of God then of what significance is he? What place can be found for him in Christ's eternal glory when nothing can be found in him to place him there?

With hope alone in the Lord of heaven, "Save yourself from this wicked generation" (Acts 2:40) that you might forever live in the Kingdom of God.


The PRAYERLINE Newsletter is a quarterly publication of Darrell C. Porter Evangelistic Assoc., Inc.


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