Tagged: thing

Sugar Coated Sweetness 0

Sugar Coated Sickness

By Dan L. White I hail from the sickest state in the Union. I know what makes people sick. West Virginia consistently ranks as the lowest state in health. John Denver’s song “Country Roads”...

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When You Draw Away From God

by Darrell C. Porter Jutting out of the Scriptures like mountain peaks are warnings and examples sharply declaring that many will turn from Christ and walk with Him no more. “Now the Spirit speaketh...

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There’s Only One Right Choice

by Darrell C. Porter  When I was in elementary school, studying my most difficult subject–Math–I learned that everything boils down to its most simplest form. This new-found revelation, later, helped me realize that all...

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Written by J.B. Williams For many years now, Americans have watched their once great nation in steady decline. The truth is the end of American supremacy in the world started over a hundred years...


The Corne and the Curse

By Dan L. White Socialism policies cause certain effects in a society. The Pilgrims in New England learned this lesson. Their voyage and enterprise was paid for by an English stock company, and the...

The Cost of Quitting 0

“The Cost of Quitting”

“The Cost of Quitting” By Darrell C. Porter ——————————————- “A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist...